Dragons In Our Midst

Dragons In Our Midst is an American christian/fantasy book series written by Bryan Davis. It follows the story of Billy Bannister and Bonnie Silver, two modern day American teenagers who each have one parent that is a dragon. Because of their dragon heritage, they each have unique traits, which they use in their battles against the evil dragon slayers. The first book, Raising Dragon was published in 2004, and the last book, Tears of a Dragon in 2005. A prequel/sequel series, Oracles of Fire was written, beginning with Eye of the Oracle in 2006 and ending with The Bones of Makaidos in 2009. A third series, Children of the Bard, began with Song of the Ovulum in 2011. A second book, Keys to Second Eden is expected to come out in 2012.


Dragons In Our Midst

Oracles of Fire

Children of the Bard




